Can Craigslist Improve Your Business?

Can Craigslist Improve Your Business? The answer to this question is yes and no and maybe. It all depends on the way in which the business owners utilize Craigslis t. Savvy Internet marketers who are able to identify the target audience and create sales copy which entices the reader may find advertising on Craigslist to be incredibly profitable. Conversely Internet markets that do not do their research and take a spamming approach to advertising on Craigslist are not likely to see significant financial gains. There is certainly an opportunity to gain financial benefit through advertising on Craigslist . Advertising for all products and services is free on Craigslist making it cost effectively. Additionally, Craigslist already receives extensive traffic with approximately ten million visitors generating four billion page views each month so there is no need to drive traffic to the website. While Craigslist offers so many advertising benefits, these benefits may be wasted i...