
Showing posts from January, 2016

HYPNOSIS BOSS Learn how to do IT.: The Job Interview

HYPNOSIS BOSS Learn how to do IT.: The Job Interview : The Job Interview ""You know, one of the big things I know everyone's looking for is good rapport, and I'm looking...


AN EXAMINATION OF OBAMA’S USE OF HIDDEN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES IN HIS SPEECHES EXPOSING OBAMA’S DECEPTION MAY BE THE ONLY WAY TO PROTECT DEMOCRACY 1 An Examination of Obama’s Use of Hidden HypnosisTechniques in His Speeches THE EVIDENCE IS HERE: This document contains over 60 pages of evidence and analysis proving Barack Obama’s use of a little-known and highly deceptive and manipulative form of “hack” hypnosis on millions of unaware Americans, and reveals what only a few psychologists and hypnosis/NLP experts know. Barack Obama’s speeches contain the hypnosis techniques of Dr. Milton Erickson, M.D. who developed a form of “conversational” hypnosis that could be hidden in seemingly normal speech and used on patients without their knowledge for therapy purposes. Obama’s speeches intentionally contain: Obama’s techniques are the height of deception and psychological manipulation, remaining hidden because one must understand the science behind the language patterns in order to spot them. T...
Milton H Erickson - Experiencing Hypnosis.pdf Milton H Erickson - Hypnotherapy - An Exploratory Casebook.pdf Milton H Erickson - Hypnotic Realities.pdf Milton H Erickson - Linn F Cooper - Time Distortion In Hypnosis 166.pdf

HYPNOSIS BOSS Learn how to do IT.: The Job Interview

HYPNOSIS BOSS Learn how to do IT.: The Job Interview : The Job Interview ""You know, one of the big things I know everyone's looking for is good rapport, and I'm looking...

The Job Interview

The Job Interview ""You know, one of the big things I know everyone's looking for is good rapport, and I'm looking for it too, because while someone might look good on paper, you WANT TO HIRE A PERSON* that can be a strong and contributing member of the team. I mean, how nice it is to be able to WORK WITH SOMEONE* that challenges you, is creative, fun, dependable, and enthusiastic? Have you ever known an employee or co-worker like that, and really felt good working with them? As you REMEMBER WHAT THAT WAS LIKE, NOW, isn't it good to know how with some potential employees you just KNOW THAT YOU AND THAT PERSON* WOULD GET ALONG GREAT? I think when you FIND THAT SENSE OF RAPPORT AND TRUST...NOW, WITH ME, I think that's one of the most valuable things to find in a candidate, so that when you FEEL THE BEGINNINGS OF A GOOD WORKING RELATIONSHIP WITH SOMEONE*, and HEAR HOW WHAT THEY SAY JUST MAKES REALLY GOOD SENSE, you might even SAY TO YOURSELF, 'Now thi...


This special report was created for Neuro-Linguistic Programmers starting out with EFT . As such, it presumes that you have quite a bit more than a passing familiarity with NLP , and that you should know basic EFT, how to use it and be familiar with what happens when you apply basic EFT in a session with live clients. If you do not know how to do basic EFT yet, at the very least you need a copy of Adventures In EFT which is my model of Gary Craig and his techniques complete with installation. The “freebie” internet taster manuals which are pre-sales incentives for more in-depth trainings and courses are not enough to get the hang of what is going on and what you should be doing to do EFT properly. I can tell you this sincerely and based on my experiences with people in workshops and trainings. Just because the basic EFT technique is so deceptively simple does not mean that it is a simple process. To be able to apply EFT in the right way, you need to know how to leverage it correctly...

HYPNOSIS BOSS Learn how to do IT.: Secrets of Self­Hypnosis Master Class

HYPNOSIS BOSS Learn how to do IT.: Secrets of Self­Hypnosis Master Class : Secrets of Self­Hypnosis Master Class : Script Ideas Before reading through these script ideas, remember that is exactly what they are here...

Secrets of Self­Hypnosis Master Class

Secrets of Self­Hypnosis Master Class : Script Ideas Before reading through these script ideas, remember that is exactly what they are here for; ideas.  Please do not use them directly. You need to take your time to create and personalise your own  programmes so that they have more depth and dimension and resonate better with you.  Only read through these scripts when you have arrived at that section in the audio programme.  I wish you the best with them and send you my kindest regards,  Adam Eason.    A Typical Looping Programme: This is my programme for strengthening and enhancing my inner self. From this moment forwards and l...